Finally, the biggest festival of the year is down the lane.

It’s time to buy new dashain clothes, just like good old days!!!! It’s time to take out those old packs of cards, make delicious goat meat, sel roti, have friends and families over and share some laughter and tears!!!! It’s time to play serene ‘mangal dhun’ and with tika, take blessings from our elders.

Also, it’s time to share these tender moments with your own Nepalese community family of NE Ohio.

NAOO would like to take this opportunity to graciously invite everyone in our ‘NAOO Dashain celebration program 2075′

Please mark your calendar for the day, OCTOBER 13 it is!!!!

Please help us manage the event in systematic manner by RSVPing through NAOO website :

DATE: Saturday, October 13, 2018 from 5 PM – 11 PM


12775 Chillicothe Rd, Chesterland, OH 44026-3111, United States

Entrance Fee:

Kids Under age 8 : Free
Kids Between age 8-12 : $5
Students : $12
Senior Citizen: $12
All Others : $15

NAOO would like to request all the interested people to participate in our cultural program by showcasing their talents: songs, dances, poems,magic tricks, etc. Additionally, it’s our request to all the proud parents to encourage their kids to perform in the event.

If interested, please feel free to contact Mr. BP Gautam/ Mr. Santosh Pant or email at [email protected], so that we can prepare the stage accordingly.