Ladies and gentlemen, please join us for the celebration of NAOO Teej 2076! Please register for the event here.

For all the hard work, love, and dedication ladies show in our family all year around, let’s take an opportunity to celebrate and appreciate women in our lives. This one is for our mothers, sisters, spouse, girl-friend, friends. We will make this grand, because we love and appreciate the influence of ladies in our lives. We will celebrate it like we mean it! HAPPY TEEJ LADIES!! 😀

The event will be on 08/31/2019 from 5 pm – 10 pm. Please save the date and spread the word.

The event will be held at:
Pari Indian Cuisine
12775 Chillicothe Rd, Chesterland, OH 44026

While we work out the details, please register for the event here. Thank-you for helping us plan it better by registering. See you all then!