“NAOO Women’s Empowerment Committee”, would cordially like to invite you all to join us on Saturday May 18th 2019 at 3:00 pm for a small semi-formal get-together. We would appreciate an opportunity to introduce ourselves and our committee-our mission, our vision, our philosophy and above all what we stand for. We would like to reach out to you all!
We also don’t want to miss out on the perfect opportunity to celebrate Mother’s Day with all the mothers and grandmothers of the community.
So let’s come together to celebrate with our families. Please save the date and join us for some light tea time snacks and what we believe will be valuable conversation.
The program will involve some talks on women empowerment, with some light-hearted games and yes attractive prizes! Followed by art for kids and a mini Mother’s Day celebration.
Please note that this is a family-friendly event and we invite and encourage all MEN and WOMEN to attend!
Entrance- FREE!!!
Kent State University
1475 Eastway drive
Studio A, Beale Hall
Kent OH 44243
Date/Time May 18th 2019, Saturday 3:00 pm
Please Stay tuned for our program updates!

Register for the event.