
Fundraiser event in JCU

May 21, 2015 NAOO would like to thank for the support and help provided by…

Fundraiser event in Gurudwara

NAOO team, Neharika Upadhyaya Aryal, Nirmala Lekhak, Bonisha Sthapit, Aruna Khanal, Ashok Adhikari and Salil…

Earthquake relief fundraising events

NAOO organized a Door to Door fundraising event around North Olmsted Neighborhood with kids on…

Candlelight vigil held for victims of Nepal earthquake

NAOO organized a candlelight vigil on Saturday, 5/2/2015 at Wade Oval Park in Cleveland in…

Help Earthquake victims in Nepal

Heartfelt condolences to departed souls in this tragic calamity caused by 7.8 magnitude earthquake and…

Nepali New Year 2072

NAOO is organizing Nepali New Year 2072 and would like to invite you all to celebrate…

Fund Raising Event for Binod Shahi

NAOO has successfully organized the fund raising event on December 20, 2015. NAOO would like…

NAOO helped raise fund for Mukesh

On behalf of the Nepali Community we thank you for yor support. We were informed…